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- English and French:
- Virtually every language:
- Cotse has possibly one of the largest collections of word lists (including French).
- Various language dictionaries at:
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Below are some dictionaries that can be used with Backtrack or Kali Linux. They are plain Wordlist dictionaries used to brute force WPA/WPA2 data captures with aircrack-ng.
These are dictionaries that have been floating around for some time now and are here for you to practice with. Once you get good at using a dictionary,and if these don’t crack the password for you, it would be a good idea to make your own with Crunch.
I have also included Wordlist that come pre-installed with Backtrack and Kali called darkc0de.lst and rockyou.txt
Due to bandwidth and storage limitations I am using free file sharing services Mediafire, Openload, and 4shared to store the files for download.
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WPA/WPA 2 Dictionaries Downloads
If the Wordlist below are removed here is a Torrent link to download a 8.5GB collection of WPA/WPA2 Wordlist Dictionaries. A Torrent client will be needed.
The Big WPA List files will need to be extracted after downloading.
Direct Download Links
BIG-WPA-LIST-1 MediaFire 247MB
BIG-WPA-LIST-1 Openload 247MB
BIG-WPA-LIST-1 4shared
BIG-WPA-LIST-2 MediaFire 307MB
BIG-WPA-LIST-2 Openload 307MB
BIG-WPA-LIST-2 4shared
BIG-WPA-LIST-3 MediaFire 277MB
BIG-WPA-LIST-3 Openload 277MB
BIG-WPA-LIST-3 4shared
Darkc0de.lst MediaFire 17.4MB Default Backtrack 5 Dictionary
Darkc0de.lst Openload 17.4MB Default Backtrack 5 Dictionary
Rockyou.txt133MB Default Kali Linux Dictionary
Rockyou.txt Openload 133MB Default Kali Linux Dictionary
Names MediaFire 3.7MB Long file list of names and name variations
Names Openload 3.7MB Long file list of names and name variations
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